Hello Lovelys,
Thought I would write a quick post for you :). A couple of weeks ago I took advantage of the Diet coke/ nail polish promotion, I walked out of Boots, proud as punch, with these two polishes...

* Paris, London*

Paris is a plum colour, not the most original colour but I don't have anything similar. The consistency is thin, but not impossible to work with although this was the worst of the two.

London is a taupe/ beige colour. Of all four this is defiantly the most unique, but again the consistency is thin. One thing I have add is that I found this polish chipped terribly :(.
But I cant really complain, when there free!

Hope everyone is enjoying the weather? I know I am, but some of use not so much ^^, bless :).
Lots of Love
Jess x

I didnt get any of the free nails inc :( Aww how cute is your dog! XO